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UESI has established the membership grade of UESI Fellow to recognize its most outstanding members.

A UESI Fellow is someone who is recognized in the field by their peers, as a leader in pipelines, or surveying, and/or utility engineering.

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UESI Fellow Membership Grade Requirements and Application Process

To be eligible for advancement to the grade of Fellow, a UESI member must:

  • Be a current UESI member with dues fully paid;
  • Legally licensed professional engineer or land surveyor;
  • Minimally ASCE grade of Member for not less than 5 years;
  • Have been a dues paying member of UESI for 5 or more years;
  • Have demonstrated accomplishments that have contributed significantly to the advancement of utility, pipeline engineering, trenchless technology, utility tunneling, or survey/geomatics;
  • Have mentored or provided other service to students or junior engineers/surveyor, or provided significant public outreach to advance the education, understanding, and advancement of engineering and science related to the UESI mission.
  • Have had responsible charge for not less than 10 years of important work in utility engineering or surveying and to be qualified to direct, conceive, plan, or design such projects; or
  • Have had responsible charge for not less than 10 years of important construction educational, research or engineering society activity regarding the knowledge and background gained from utility engineering or surveying.
  • Have been actively involved with UESI through committee participation, conferences, or journals.

Benefits of being elected as a UESI Fellow:

  • Recognition as being a leader in the utility, pipeline engineering, trenchless technology, utility tunneling, or survey/geomatics professions.
  • UESI Fellows receive a distinct wall plaque marking the achievement, as well as a UESI Fellow lapel pin.
  • Recognition on the UESI website and in the UESI Newsletter.
  • Fellows are honored with the F.UESI credential.

UESI Fellow application process:

  • There is no direct admission to the UESI Fellow grade. UESI Fellow status must be attained by professional accomplishments via application and election by the UESI Fellow Review Committee.
  • All applicants must be submitted by using the online form. It is recommended that you review the entire application in advance to ensure that you have all the required information and materials necessary to complete the application. Applications with insufficient responses and missing material will be considered incomplete and will NOT be reviewed.

The application must include:

  • UESI Fellow Application Form
  • A brief CV of no more than 3 pages
  • Current Headshot
  • Submit up to 3 letters of recommendation from ASCE members (one must be from a UESI Fellow or ASCE Fellow or Distinguished Member)

UESI Fellow application review process:

All applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of the UESI Executive Director, Immediate Past President of the UESI Board of Governors, President of the UESI Board of Governors, President-Elect of the UESI Board of Governors, and UESI Members that are ASCE Distinguished Members.

The following criteria will be considered when reviewing applications:

  • Significant contributions to utility, pipeline engineering, trenchless technology, utility tunneling, or survey/geomatics;
  • Service to UESI and other professional engineering societies;
  • Evidence of technical accomplishments;
  • Mentoring activities;
  • Confidential opinions of references and endorsers; and/
  • Total years in engineering, survey, or related profession.

Feel free to contact UESI staff if you have any questions or need assistance.

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