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EMI publishes the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, the Lecture Notes in Mechanics series, the Trends in Engineering Mechanics publication series, and other technical books.

Journal of Engineering Mechanics cover photo

Journal of Engineering Mechanics

 The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided engineering, dynamics of structures, elasticity, experimental analysis and instrumentation, fluid mechanics, flow of granular media, inelastic behavior of solids and structures, probabilistic methods, properties of materials, fracture mechanics, stability of structural elements and systems, and turbulence is reported. Typically, published papers describe the development and implementation of new analytical models, innovative numerical methods, and novel experimental methods and results.


Objective Resilience MOPs 

Engineering is a balance between analysis and design. Mathematics and sciences form the basis for objectivity or the analysis, whereas design is more subjective, drawing on art, intuition, and imagination.

Reaching that balance between objectivity and subjectivity will lead to a better product. To help communities and asset resilience projects achieve a balanced treatment, the Objective Resilience Committee sought to provide a comprehensive basis of recommended practices to enhance the resilience of projects, while emphasizing the objective side of such practices. The result is these four Manuals of Practice (MOPs), edited by Mohammed M. Ettouney, Ph.D., P.E., which contain useful information for engineers in their everyday work.
