Under the umbrella of the Structural Engineering Institute, the Technical Community serves a vital role in bringing together various technical and standards committees within SEI to shape the future of structural engineering. The Technical Community — which combines the former Codes and Standards Activities Division (CSAD) with the Technical Activities Division (TAD) — was created to lend SEI members the space to contribute and collaborate on technical advancements and standards development, shaping engineering practice and addressing complex problems affecting the profession.

The reorganization has changed the way collaboration has been fostered between Technical and Standards committees. With the appointment of Greg Soules, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE as its inaugural chair, the Technical Community Executive Committee has been steering toward the goals set out by the reorganization. Specifically, by combining standards and technical committees into one community, the Executive Committee is tasked with organizing and fostering growth with the technical heart and soul of SEI. Executive Committee members are working hard to ensure that resources are allocated to the projects that will best serve the structural engineering field and that this process is open and transparent with members.

Currently, the Technical Community committees are actively working on significant projects like ASCE 7, ASCE 41, and SE 2050 — a committee that is looking towards the future by leading sustainability initiatives and striving towards the global vision of net zero embodied carbon buildings by 2050.

"Reliable, resilient structures that people don’t have to worry about thinking whether or not this building is safe " says Technical Community Executive Committee member Greg T. Holbrook, P.E., highlighting the some of the goals of the Technical Community and the importance of sustainability in structural engineering. He emphasizes the need for structural engineers to consider sustainability, resiliency, and embodied carbon reductions in their designs, recognizing the impact they can have on the world and on the welfare of the public.

The Technical Community represents a commitment to collaboration, innovation, and leadership development within the engineering community. Through their collective efforts, engineers are shaping a future where unity and collaboration drive progress in structural engineering.