In 2003 the Structural Engineering Certification Board was established but now after 20 years it is time for SECB to step aside. They were established with three goals: promote structural engineering licensure in all jurisdictions; determine the unique and additional qualities (beyond a professional engineering license) necessary to practice structural engineering; and provide the engineering profession, the public, and other stakeholders with a way to identify engineers with these unique and additional qualifications.
Over the course of the organization’s lifetime, with representatives from CASE, NCSEA, and SEI serving on its board, SECB brought SE licensure into broader awareness within the profession. Position papers, webinars, and articles brought the issue into focus and spurred a lively debate. SECB was instrumental in establishing the national SEI exam which is the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying now offers to any state that chooses to use it.
The time has come for SECB to pass the torch to SEI, NCSEA, CASE and the Structural Engineering Licensing Coalition in the quest for national SE licensure and as of March 31, 2022 SECB will close its doors.
SEI would like to extend their gratitude to all our members, CASE members, and NCSEA members who served the profession through SECB.
With the dissolution of SECB what does that mean for SELC of which they were a part? Head over to their website to see what’s new with the organization, members, and mission of SELC.