As Jerome Hajjar, Ph.D., P.E., NAE, F.SEI, F.ASCE, concludes his term as President of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI), we express our deepest gratitude for his visionary leadership. A member of ASCE since 1988, Hajjar has been pivotal in shaping its foundation. Throughout his tenure as SEI President Hajjar University Distinguished Professor, CDM Smith Professor, and Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northeastern University - has been a steadfast advocate for integrating sustainability, resilience, and equity into every aspect of design. His leadership has redefined SEI’s goals this year, steering the institute towards practices that not only meet technical demands but also address the urgent challenges of climate change and social equity.

A key highlight of Hajjar’s presidency was the "Towards Zero Carbon" workshop hosted in July at Northeastern University. Supported by SEI, the SEI Futures Fund, and other leading industry partners, this event brought together structural engineering professionals to examine the role of the built environment in carbon emissions. Under Hajjar's guidance, the workshop fostered discussions on innovative materials, new supply chains, and policy changes crucial for achieving a zero-carbon future.

Jennifer Goupil, P.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE, SEI Managing Director, reflected on Hajjar's impactful presidency, stating, “It has been an absolute pleasure working alongside Jerry to pursue his goals for his presidency. An effective SEI President builds on the success of his or her predecessors and yet introduces a new dynamic to the Institute. Jerry’s clear-eyed vision of what is yet to come and purposeful guidance and enthusiasm to ensure SEI is driving the profession forward in sustainability, resilience, and equity will leave the Institute in a very strong position as he ends his tenure. His excitement is contagious!!!”

Hajjar’s impact extends beyond SEI. He was recently honored with the 2024 Special Achievement Award by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) for his groundbreaking research through the Steel Diaphragm Innovation Initiative (SDII). This research, conducted in collaboration with other institutions, has led to significant updates in national standards for designing composite steel/concrete floor systems in seismic regions. Additionally, Hajjar received the 2024 Lynn S. Beedle Award from the Structural Stability Research Council, recognizing his lifetime achievements in structural stability. His commitment to reshaping structural design was reflected in his keynote speech at SEICON24, where he advocated for a cultural shift in design objectives, stating, "If our structure is resilient, it feels safe; if it is sustainable, it feels beautiful. There’s hope for the future.”

Hajjar’s career and tenure as SEI president is inspiring to engineers; the continued advocacy for sustainability, equity, and resilience, has set the stage for future leaders to continue the critical mission. His election to the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest professional distinctions for engineers, further underscores his exceptional contributions. We thank Jerome Hajjar for his outstanding service to SEI and look forward to the lasting impact of his vision on creating a more sustainable and beautifully designed built environment.