TC On Transient Analysis of Transmission Systems
To create a manual of practice for the application of hydraulic transient modeling in the design of transmission pipelines. At present, there is no stand alone manual of practice in the civil engineering profession that advises the Owner and Engineer on the basics of transient analysis, the control of transients in transmission pipelines, and the management of transient modeling tasks during design. The core content of the proposed manual will be an update of the surge control section of Pressure Pipe Design for Water and Wastewater published by ASCE in 1992. New sections will be added to address planning level activities for locating control facilities and selecting profiles that are more conducive to surge control. Also, advances in control strategy will be included. The committee will develop guidelines to use for the qualification of modelers, career mentoring, and quality control. The experience of Owner’s engineers with various approaches to transient control will be gathered and the results will be published in the manual of practice as case histories.
Scott C Williams,
Chair -
David Hamilton Axworthy,
Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng, M.ASCE
James Arthur Cathcart,
P.E., L.S., F.ASCE
Russell Lee Gibson,
David Heckert Marshall,