Region 10 Director

April Lander is a dual US/NZ citizen living in New Zealand, an Envision Sustainability Professional, and independent contractor with over 35 years of experience leading international projects and partnerships, providing strategic advice, and delivering training to improve quality of life and the environment in the water, health, emergency management, education, ethics, and sustainable infrastructure fields.
April is a leader in the sustainability field, active in numerous sustainable engineering activities including leading the development of the world’s first infrastructure certification and financing framework requiring projects to meet sustainable development criteria; building the capacity of engineers to combat corruption and build sustainable infrastructure; and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the global civil engineering community.
April serves on the ASCE Board of Direction as the ASCE Region 10 Director 2022-2025 (representing members in all countries outside the US, Mexico, and Canada). She is the Founder and Past President of the ASCE New Zealand Group and a member of the ASCE Audit Committee, Public Policy and Practice Committee (PPPC), Border International Water Quality Standards Committee (BIWQ), and various other committees. She is the ASCE Representative to the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC) and chairs Technical Committee 26: Climate Change, Water Resources, and Sustainable Development in the Asian Region. She also serves as a Director of Civil Engineering Certification, Inc. (CEC) responsible for Board certification of civil engineers demonstrating advanced knowledge and skills in specialty areas.