Since attending my first ASCE meeting, I have been provided an opportunity for growth and continuous learning as both an engineer and individual. Over time and various ASCE positions, I humbly see myself as a leader. A leader of teams and change. Over the past two years with the pandemic, change has been constant and all around us.
During this timeframe we have witnessed transformational change within many facets of our daily life -- from how we engage with our Teams, purchase goods, and consume information. With change comes many challenges and without change obsolesce is inevitable. Change needs to be purposeful and not coming from a perspective of forcing change just for the sake of change and action.
Thus, purposeful change is my vision as Society Director. Thanks to our preceding ASCE leaders, ASCE has continued to be known as a global leader in civil engineering and related technologies. As a Society, we are well positioned to move our profession forward by engineering our tomorrow and reimaging infrastructure. My purposeful change would focus on growing our membership, enhancement of collaboration with our future leaders (students) and integrating sustainability into our practice and Region 1 operations. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve ASCE members and learn from the experience of being a Society Director