Session Title: Introduction to Nature-based Solutions and ASCE’s NbS Task Force

Emily Corwin, M.S., P.E.

S. Kyle McKay, Ph.D.
The American Society of Civil Engineers teamed up with the Duke University Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, and ECHO to host it’s first session of a monthly Infrastructure Sustainability Learning (ISLe) Initiative series on Nature-based solutions (NbS). The series will span eleven months through 2025.
Session 1 provided background information on what nature-based solutions are, the need for engineering guidance documentation, and plans for the future ISLe sessions. Over 50 enthusiastic participants representing an array of expertise contributed to robust discussions about the current state of NbS guidance.
ISLe networks help experts and practitioners build capacity for sustainable and resilient infrastructure by exchanging knowledge and collaborating on solutions. These sessions are distinctly different from traditional webinars by offering low-dose, high-frequency, and continuous sessions, focusing on collaborative learning with case-based content and short technical presentations.