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The Pakistan Section was established on January 15, 2025, after its successful operation as an ASCE International Group from 2006-2024.

The purpose of ASCE sections is to provide local engagement for ASCE members through meetings, guest speakers, networking, professional development at all career stages, technical content, event notices and resource information, support to ASCE Student Members and their transition to professional membership. Successful operation under the leadership of Section Officers relies on the efforts and engagement in activities by all Section members.

Connect with Section leaders in Pakistan at:

ASCE Pakistan Section Secretariat
NDC House, 3rd Floor, Office #305
114 Sector A, Commercial Broadway
Phase 8, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan
Phone (Landline): 009242-37135033


Global Link - International Activities


The Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC) is organizing the 10th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR10) in Jeju, South Korea, October 21–24, 2025, hosted by the Korean Society of Civil Engineers. The theme of the Conference is "Sustainable Management and Resilient Technology (SMaRT) in Civil Engineering”.


  • Chaudhry Foad Hussain, C.Eng, P.E., M.ASCE
  • Syed Zaidi, III, Aff.M.ASCE
    Vice President

Student chapters