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Brazil is established as an ASCE international group.


ASCE’S 2024 Presidential Travel to Brazil April 29-May 3, 2024

The four day program included presidential meeting on the state of engineering profession and ASCE leader presentations at the 1st International Training Seminar in Sao Paulo organized by AOC CONFEA and hosted by CREA-SP; Region 10 Board of Governors in-person meeting in Sao Paulo; networking meeting in Curitiba with AOC ABENC and hosted by Engineering Institute (IEP) with instructive urban planning presentations and city tour to learn about sustainability and its Smart City Master Plan including environmentally friendly urban transport, energy efficiency, waste management, and innovative solutions.

Eight people are sitting around a table with headphones on listening to a presentation.
Presidential meeting with CONFEA and CREA-SP in Sao Paulo
Twelve people are sitting on bleachers attending a training.
ASCE delegates with members in attendance at the Sao Paulo training seminar
Ten people are in front of a screen facing the camera and smiling
ASCE delegation and hosts in Sao Paulo
Eleven people are standing in front of a screen smiling at the camera.
ASCE delegation and hosts ABENC & IEP in Curitiba
Three people are standing outside smiling at the camera.
Visit to the Municipal Department of the Environment, Curitiba


  • Renan Gustavo Pacheco Soares, Ph.D., Ing., R.Eng, M.ASCE
  • Carlos Andre Bulhoes Mendes, Ph.D., Ing., M.ASCE
    Past President
  • Andre Newinski, S.E., M.ASCE
  • Jano Daraujo Coelho, A.M.ASCE