Title: Engineering Mechanics Education
Date: June 6, 2023
Location: EMI GA Tech Conference, Atlanta, GA


The Education Committee invites you to a workshop that addresses the pressing challenge of training an inclusive workforce equipped with modern tools to tackle 21st-century engineering challenges, such as climate change and emerging data science technologies. The workshop will provide a platform for education enthusiasts like yourself to discuss the future pathways for training and engaging the next generation of engineering mechanics students. The workshop will be held on June 6th, the day before the 2023 EMI conference, at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

Participation in the workshop is free, but registration is required to secure your spot. Additionally, the National Science Foundation (NSF) generously provides travel awards of $1,000 per selected participant to support attendance. If you are interested in applying for a travel award, please prepare a 2-page CV in NSF style and a one-page essay that highlights the mechanics classes you have taught, the classes you are interested in teaching, the challenges you have faced or anticipate in teaching such courses, the education resources you have used or wish to use on shared electronic platforms, and your expectations for the workshop.

To register for the workshop, email [email protected].  Send your application materials to [email protected] by the deadline of May 21st to be fully considered for the travel award

We look forward to your participation in the workshop!