Competition sponsored by the Poromechanics Committee

Congratulations to the winners of the Poromechanics Student Poster Competition, chaired by Professor Maryam Shakiba. The competition was open to any student whose abstracts were accepted by the EMI/PMC 2021 Conference.


Yidong Zhao
The University Hong Kong
"Stabilized Material Point Methods for Large Deformation in Fluid-infiltrated Porous Materials"

Runner Ups

Omar Rodriguez-Villarreal
Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering in double degree between the University of Pau in France and the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL) in Mexico
"Estimation of Fracture Energy from Hydraulic Fracture Tests on Mortar and Rocks at Geothermal Reservoir Temperatures"

Mehdi Eskandari-Ghadi
University of Colorado Boulder
"Effect of pore size distribution on sorption-induced deformation of porous material"